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CGK Online Winter Reset Program
Introduction — Welcome to 21-Day Winter Reset Program
Welcome to Curry Girls Kitchen
Why Megs cleanse (2:25)
Why Pegs cleanse (2:32)
Winter Reset — Week 1
Week 1 Lecture (34:31)
Week 1 Cooking Class (40:19)
[BONUS VIDEO] Homemade Chicken Stock (10:16)
Week 1 Zoom Call (68:20)
Winter Reset — Week 2
Week 2 Lecture (51:48)
Week 2 Cooking Class (41:31)
Week 2 Zoom Call (86:33)
Week 2 Zoom Call Recipe
Winter Reset — Week 3
Week 3 Lecture (26:45)
Week 3 Cooking Class (26:51)
Week 3 Zoom Call (62:36)
Grocery Shopping - How We Shop and What We Buy (while cleansing)
Shop with us at the supermarket (18:10)
Winter Farmer's Market Haul (11:13)
CGK Reset Program — Pantry
In the Pantry - "Linner" (6:06)
In the Pantry - Smoothies (8:18)
In the Pantry - Soups (5:30)
In the Pantry - Snacks + Sauces (12:17)
Lisa's experience with Fall Reset Program (2:43)
Linda's experience with Fall Reset Program (3:09)
Reed's experience with Fall Reset Program (3:30)
Teach online with
Week 1 Zoom Call
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